FTC Commissioner Noah Phillips on the Outlook for Privacy and Digital Ads
FTC Commissioner Noah Phillips joined NAI members, staff, and industry stakeholders on December 8, 2021 for a conversation on the outlook for privacy and digital advertising. Commissioner Phillips was joined by Professor James Cooper, the Director of the Program on Economics and Privacy at George Mason University, for a one-on-one conversation on where the FTC is headed on privacy regulation, competition enforcement, penalty offense authority, and a potential FTC Bureau of Privacy.
Following the discussion between Commissioner Phillips and Professor Cooper, a panel of experts discussed how federal regulation, industry self-regulation, and enforcement can reinforce each other, as well as their visions for a sustainable FTC Bureau of Privacy.
Panelists included Jessica L. Rich, Of Counsel, Kelley Drye, former FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection Director; Christian Fjeld, Vice President, ML Strategies, former Senior Counsel and Subcommittee Staff Director for the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; and Travis Hall, Telecommunications Policy Specialist, National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The panel discussion was moderated by the NAI’s David LeDuc, Vice President, Public Policy.